וְכֹ֨ל־יְהוּדָ֔ה עֹֽמְדִ֖ים לִפְנֵ֣י יְהֺוָ֑ה גַּם־טַפָּ֖ם נְשֵׁיהֶ֥ם וּבְנֵיהֶֽם׃ ס

ספר:דברי הימים ב׳ פרק:20 פסוק:13

The Transliteration is:

wǝkōl-yǝhûdâ ʿōmǝdîm lipnê yhwh gam-ṭappām nǝšêhem ûbǝnêhem s

The En version NET Translation is:

All the men of Judah were standing before the LORD, along with their infants, wives, and children.

The Fr version BDS Translation is:

Tout Juda, femmes et enfants y compris, se tenait debout devant l’Eternel.

The Ru version RUSV Translation is:

И все Иудеи стояли пред лицем Господним, и малые дети их, жены их и сыновья их.
