כֻּלָּם֙ אֲחֻ֣זֵי חֶ֔רֶב מְלֻמְּדֵ֖י מִלְחָמָ֑ה אִ֤ישׁ חַרְבֹּו֙ עַל־יְרֵכֹ֔ו מִפַּ֖חַד בַּלֵּילֹֽות׃

ספר:שיר השירים פרק:3 פסוק:8

The Transliteration is:

kūllām ʾăḥūzê ḥereb mǝlūmmǝdê milḥāmâ ʾîš ḥarbô ʿal-yǝrēkô mippaḥad ballêlôt

The En version NET Translation is:

All of them are skilled with a sword, well trained in the art of warfare. Each has his sword at his side, to guard against the terrors of the night.

The Fr version BDS Translation is:

Tous armés de l’épée, exercés au combat, ils ont leur épée au côté pour parer aux terreurs nocturnes.

The Ru version RUSV Translation is:

Все они держат по мечу, опытны в бою; у каждого меч при бедре его ради страха ночного.
