לָאֹ֖ופַנִּ֑ים לָהֶ֛ם קֹורָ֥א הַגַּלְגַּ֖ל בְּאָזְנָֽי׃

ספר:יחזקאל פרק:10 פסוק:13

The Transliteration is:

lāʾôpannîm lāhem qôrāʾ haggalgal bǝʾoznāy

The En version NET Translation is:

As for their wheels, they were called “the wheelwork” as I listened.

The Fr version BDS Translation is:

J’entendis qu’on donnait à ces roues le nom de tourbillon.

The Ru version RUSV Translation is:

К колесам сим, как я слышал, сказано было: 'галгал'.
