וְקַטָּ֤ת וְנַֽהֲלָל֨ וְשִׁמְרֹ֔ון וְיִדְאֲלָ֖ה וּבֵ֣ית לָ֑חֶם עָרִ֥ים שְׁתֵּֽים־עֶשְׂרֵ֖ה וְחַצְרֵיהֶֽן׃

ספר:יהושע פרק:19 פסוק:15

The Transliteration is:

wǝqaṭṭāt wǝnahălāl wǝšimrôn wǝyidʾălâ ûbêt lāḥem ʿārîm šǝtêm-ʿeśrê wǝḥaṣrêhen

The En version NET Translation is:

Their territory included Kattah, Nahalal, Shimron, Idalah, and Bethlehem; in all they had twelve cities and their towns.

The Fr version BDS Translation is:

Le territoire comprenait douze villes avec les villages qui en dépendaient, dont Qattath, Nahalal, Shimrôn, Yideala et Bethléhem.

The Ru version RUSV Translation is:

далее: Каттаф, Нагалал, Шимрон, Идеала и Вифлеем: двенадцать городов с их селами.
